What if I identify as multiple groups, such as disabled veteran or minority woman?

Your Sertification is good for every group you identify with. You will get multiple Sertify Stamps that you can use for your storefront. You’ll also get multiple Digital Sertify Stamps to enhance your online presence.

What if I have multiple businesses?

If each of your businesses is under a different name, then you’ll have to Sertify each of them separately.

What if my business has multiple locations?

Each Sertify license allows unlimited locations — as long as they belong to the same business with the same name. You’ll get digital and physical Sertify Stamps for each of your locations.

What criteria do you use to define a small business?

We currently consider a business as a small business if it has fewer than a total of 250 employees. If your business has more than 250 employees but still want Sertify, please contact us at apply@sertify.io for additional assistance.

What if I’m a franchisee?

Unfortunately, Sertify is not available for franchisees at this time.

Will you be adding more diverse groups to the Sertify community?

We launched Sertify with ten common and governmental designations. We will be considering more as we expand!

How do you choose the non-profit organizations you donate to?

We select organizations that reflect our Sertify community. We prefer ones that are diverse, help small businesses, or empower people in the work force. See a list of the non-profits we are currently supporting. We will be partnering with more organizations in the future.